Welcome to the Boston DITA User’s Group. We are DITA professionals in the Boston area who meet regularly to discuss DITA, and the challenges and solutions we have encountered working with DITA.

Join us if you work with DITA in one of the following roles:

  • technical writer
  • information architect
  • content strategist
  • tools specialist

Our next meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 14 at noon Eastern Time US. Dr. Harald Stadlbauer, chair of the iIRDS committee will join us to discuss integration of DITA and iIRDS, the Intelligent Information Request and Delivery Standard.

While DITA includes the ability to manage metadata, the native metadata in the standard is rudimentary. iIRDS is a metadata standard designed to be integrated into DITA source. Integrating iIRDS into DITA provides more effective retrieval of relevant content by providing users with more targeted search results. Dr. Stadlauer will briefly introduce the standard and will dsicuss how iIRDS integrates with DITA to facilitate intelligent delivery of DITA content.

Join the Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 896 8617 4294

Passcode: 719075


Most months we meet virtually as “brown bag” sessions where we discuss practical issues related to DITA. We meet in-person once per year in the spring.

For information about upcoming meetings, see the Upcoming meetings page.

For slides decks and recordings of past meetings, see the Past meeting page. We did not record meetings for our first year (2018-2019), and some later meetings were not recorded for various reasons. Simiarly, slide decks are not available for all meetings.

About DITA

Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) is an open-source XML standard for authoring and publishing content. DITA originated in the technical communication team at IBM. The standard is now used by technical communication teams in a variety of companies and industries, and has even spread beyond technical communication to other content domains.

DITA Resources

A wide variety of resources are available to help you lean more about DITA, as well as to support your work in DITA. See the DITA Resources page for some of the resources available.

Meet the administrators

The Boston DITA User’s Group is administered by Stan Doherty and Bob Johnson. See the Administrator’s page for additional information about the administrators.